In 2015, the State of New York (State) retained Mason Tillman Associates Ltd. to conduct a Disparity Study (Study). The Study is comprised of four separate components: Disparity Study, Personal Net Worth Review Study, Policy Study, and Workforce Study.
1. Disparity Study
Volume I: Disparity Study, analyzes the statistical significance of underutilized MWBEs at the prime contract and subcontract levels. The Disparity Study examined four industries: construction, construction-related services, non-construction related services, and commodities and other services. The prime contracts reviewed were awarded during the study period of April 1, 2010, to March 31, 2015.
2. Policy Review Report
Volume II: Policy Review Report, provides race and gender-neutral recommendations to mitigate the disparities in MWBE participation on State contracts as documented in the Disparity Study. The Policy Review Report assesses: 1) the legality of contract goals, set-asides, price preferences, and mentor-protégé programs; 2) the MWBE Program mandated by Article 15-A; 3) the State’s procurement methods that could unintentionally create barriers for MWBE participation; and 4) best management practices implemented by other states.
3. Personal Net Worth Review
Volume III: Personal Net Worth Review, assesses the legal precedent for using personal net worth (PNW) as a criterion in the State’s MWBE Program’s certification requirements. The report reviews: 1) the legislative history of PNW; 2) the precedent for application of PNW by state and municipal governments; and 3) analyzing the relationship between PNW, race, and access to capital in a literature review.
4. Workforce Study
Volume IV: Workforce Study, assesses the employment of minorities and Caucasian females on contracts awarded by the State from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. The purpose of the Workforce Study is to: 1) assess the level of minority and Caucasian female employment on State contracts; and 2) determine the availability of minorities and Caucasian females by Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) category.
All four reports have been published by the State and are available for download here: